Preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge in Copenhagen

Look­ing for the best preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge in Copenhagen?

Try our love­ly mas­sa­ge for preg­nant women at Nørrebro!

Preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge in Copenhagen

We offer high qua­li­ty preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge with eit­her a phy­si­o­t­he­ra­py stu­dent or an educa­ted phy­si­o­t­he­ra­pist in Copen­ha­gen. We always make sure you get the best treatment:

  • Educa­ted therapists

  • Beau­ti­ful and cen­tral location

  • Gre­at pri­cing and flexibility


What is preg­nan­cy massage?

During preg­nan­cy women can expe­ri­en­ce pain in their body (often in the low back) due to the increa­sed weight. Preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge (also cal­led pre­na­tal mas­sa­ge) is mas­sa­ge desig­ned for preg­nant women.

Mas­sa­ge during preg­nan­cy can help women fee­ling bet­ter, which is essen­ti­al for a good start on mot­her­hood for the mot­her to be. We offer qua­li­ty pre­na­tal mas­sa­ge in Cph.

The right equip­ment for the right occasion

When get­ting a preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge in Copen­ha­gen with us, we always make sure to get you in a com­fortab­le posi­tion. This is why we offer a com­fortab­le mas­sa­ge pil­low with a hole for the sto­mach to lay in, so that you can enjoy the mas­sa­ge in the right position.

Bene­fits from preg­nan­cy massage

Our Cli­ni­cs

Fysioterapi på Nørrebro

Our cli­nic at Nørrebro

Sin­ce 1. Sep­tem­ber 2024, we have had our cli­nic pre­mi­ses at Nør­re­bro in Copen­ha­gen. Here we are part of a lar­ge cli­nic com­mu­ni­ty with good faci­li­ties and space.

behandlerrum for Smertefys i Køge

Our cli­nic in Køge

Our cli­nic in Køge ope­ned on the 1st of July 2023. Here we have a room avai­lab­le to do the tre­at­ments, trai­ning and gui­dan­ce. We do not use refer­rals at the clinic.

Which areas do we treat?

A preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge can invol­ve tre­at­ment of dif­fe­rent areas of your body. The focus of the mas­sa­ge, should be main­ly on the areas from whe­re you feel pain. This means we tre­at a vari­e­ty of areas such as:

Our pri­cing

Here we have listed our pri­cing for preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge in Copen­ha­gen. You can also save a lot of money with our mas­sa­ge deals:

Prices for massage in Copenhagen
Prices for massage in Copenhagen
Prices for massage in Copenhagen

Mas­sa­ge deals

Need more than one tre­at­ment? Why not save money with our mas­sa­ge deals!

pricing for massage packages
pricing for massage packages
pricing for massage deals at Smertefys
pricing for massage packages

Eve­ryt­hing you need to know!

Here you find info on how to do a book­ing, pra­cti­cal info and pay­ment options:


How to book an appointment

See our address in Cph, pho­ne num­ber and how to book an appo­int­ment onli­ne with us.

Practical information

Pra­cti­cal information

Check out our can­cel­la­tion poli­cy, par­king info and what to bring with you.

Payment options

Fle­xib­le pay­ment options

Get the details and see your options regar­ding how to pay in our cli­nic after a treatment.

How to book an appointment

Want to book an appo­int­ment with us? Per­fect! Now, you have seve­ral options on how to book an appo­int­ment with us:

lady by the laptop

Via Onli­ne booking
(only in Danish)


Call us at
+45 60739010


Wri­te to us via

Pra­citcal information

Here is all the pra­cti­cal info you need to know befo­re a visit to the clinic:

Pay­ment options

The three tri­mesters of pregnancy

The symp­toms and fee­lings are very dif­fe­rent wit­hin the three tri­mesters of preg­nan­cy which mas­sa­ge can help you with:

Mas­sa­ge during the first trimester

Mas­sa­ge during the first trimester

Mas­sa­ge in ear­ly preg­nan­cy can be hel­p­ful due to fx hea­da­ches. Actu­al­ly we have expe­ri­en­ce with hel­ping women with preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge a 4 weeks preg­nant. Luck­ily, most women do not expe­ri­en­ce pain in this trimester.


Mas­sa­ge during the second trimester

Mas­sa­ge during the second trimester

Mas­sa­ge during the second tri­me­ster of preg­nan­cy is qui­te com­mon sin­ce this is the time for growth of the fetus. Also both the sto­mach and che­st starts to grow, so in this tri­me­ster we usu­al­ly offer pel­vis, neck and breast massage.


Mas­sa­ge during the third trimester

Mas­sa­ge during the third trimester

The third tri­me­ster is usu­al­ly the har­dest tri­me­ster to get through, sin­ce your body is pre­pa­ring itself for the bir­th. This often results in pel­vic gird­le pain and low back pain, which can be tre­a­ted with phy­si­cal acti­vi­ty and low back massage.

Pregnancy-massage-at-Nørrebro-in-Copenhagen (2)

Which con­di­tions can we help with?

Being preg­nant can often lead to dif­fe­rent pain con­di­tions in your body. Here are some of the most typi­cal con­di­tions we can help you with:

Preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge at home

Want preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge in your own home? Right now we offer our high qua­li­ty pre­na­tal mas­sa­ge in your own home. To get our home tre­at­ment, you need to live wit­hin 6 km of the cli­nic (check here).

Physiotherapist offering pregnancy massage at your home
gift card to massage in Copenhagen

Gift card for preg­nan­cy massage

Do you have a fri­end, gir­l­fri­end or a rela­ti­ve that is preg­nant? Now you can get them the per­fect gift with a gift card for a preg­nan­cy mas­sa­ge in Copen­ha­gen with us!

After pur­cha­sing a gift card you will recei­ve a code in your mail which should be used whe­ne­ver the tre­at­ment is boo­k­ed. The gift card has an expira­tion date two years after the day it was brought.

Want to get in touch?

Take the first steps towards less pain by wri­ting to us with your pro­blem. When you have fil­led and sent the con­ta­ct for­mu­lar, you can expect to hear from us wit­hin 24 hours.